Looming Looney

Welcome to the home of the Looming Looney. Come and knit a spell.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


I received my KTS2 package from my pal Ruby a week or so ago but because I've been having trouble with my computer I wasn't able to announce it. Well I'm up and running again!!! Check out the haul I got from my pal. Sorry the pics are kinda dark.

I got some wonderful teas (much of it is already gone), some great sock yarn (really hard to see in the pic) and pattern, some very tasty cookies (which are just great with the tea)

A special edition Canadian Breast Cancer bookmark, a can of tea leaves and tea blossom bulb (in the box).

Yummy chocolates (which I hid in the fridge, way in the back)

And a really cut card. Look at the little knitted sweater on the front. The needles are tooth picks. I though this was tooo cute!!!

Thanks Ruby I Love it All!!!!

Friday, October 13, 2006


Your Birthdate: October 13

You're dominant and powerful. You always need to be in charge.
While others respect your competence, you can be a bit of a dictator.
Hard working and serious, you never let yourself down.
You are exact and accurate - and you expect others to be the same way.

Your strength: You always get the job done

Your weakness: You're a perfectionist to a fault

Your power color: Gray

Your power symbol: Checkmark

Your power month: April

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Mailman Beware!

I am expecting lots of goodies in the mail during the next few days. Totally desperate I did the unthinkable. I saw the mailman sitting outside and I cornered him in the truck. But it worked, he had two packages for me, and no one had to get hurt. Yippee! One package was some yarn I purchase from DeStash - Cash For Your Stash! , 4 skeins of cascade fixation. The other package was my October Birthday Swap goodies box from my swap pal, Susan. Hi Susan. My box included some wonderful items. Take a look.......

I got two hanks of yarn in a fabulous color. What will I make? hummmm. Some tea - My stash is getting low. I have dranked a cup everyday for the last week, 2 wonderful smelling candles, a really cute tape mesaure - which I need because my daughter and son keep stealing my other one, a pair of circular knitting needles - I have been really wanting a pair of these, a huge chocolate & almound candy bar - anyone who knows me knows I'm a choc-a-holic, and a lovely knitting themed birthday card. I totally love everything my pal choose for me. THANKS SUSAN.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Swap Pal Times 2

I am participating in my first ever swaps. "Knitters Tea Swap 2" and "October Birthday Swap". Yep, the first go round I am have two. I've been thinking long and hard about my swap pals, their likes and dislikes and their future knitting aspiration and have done some serious shopping and have finally packed my boxes!!!!

Here's the package going to my tea swap 2 pal. This baby is going International.

Here's the package going to my birthday swap pal

To keep the suspense going I'm not giving hints about what's in the boxes (just in case my pals are checking my blog) and I didn't want to show the label side of the boxes.

Because I missed the post office on Saturday and Monday is a holiday, the packages will be sent off Tuesday morning. I can't wait until they get them and hope they like the goodies I picked out.

I was contacted by my tea swap 2 pal yesterday and my package is also on the way. I can't wait to see what's in it.

My Official B-Day Count Down Clock: 5 days to my BIRTHDAY!!!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Day Trip to Pennsylvania

Saturday, Sept. 30th we took a trip to Carlisle, Pennsylvania.

We went to the Carlisle Fair Grounds for the car show and swap meet.

Hubby thought he could find some parts for the 78 Chevy Camero he just brought and is attempting to restore.

This place is HUGE. Check out the ariel view of the fairgrounds.

And a lot of the space was nothing but up hill, BOTH WAYS, well not really but it sure felt like it to the legs. We walked every inch that had a vender, or car on it. Some spots twice!

I was hoping to get some pics of the restored antique and tricked out cars but the batteries in the camera died before I could get them. By the time I found a vender selling batteries I was too tired to trek back up and down the hills to take the pics. And besides it rained the majority of the time we were there.

See the Princess posing by the Halloween figures, modeling her lovely rain poncho. She is such a camera hog.

Here she is again standing next to the Happy Store sign, though not looking so happy.

Finally a dry moment. The Princess and the Peanut taking a moment to sit and chat. Actually they fought the entire time and I just got finish threatening them, so most likely they were plotting against me. The ungrateful little things......

Hubby and the Peanut resting after the rain filled hikes.

One of the many, many vendors.

Talk about being tired. After about 5 hours at the fairgrounds, the Princess was so tired that as soon as we got her in the car and made it five minutes down the road, this is what happened.She slept the entire way back to Maryland, even during the 2 stops we made. What a day.

Just some mountains and sky pics.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Who says you can't have your yarn and eat cake too?

Today me and the Princess took a trip to In Stitches Needlework a LYS, to buy gifts for two special people for two swaps I'm participating in. My first swaps, might I add. The yarn store had a special event yesterday to celebrate it's birthday and still had some great buys today. I got some Bebbie Bliss for 50% off and some Noro Kureyon for 33% off. They also had cake, yes, chocolate cake. The best of both worlds. Only an insane person wouldn't want to eat chocolate cake and shop for yarn!!!! I hope my swap pals will be very pleased with their goodie packages. I also picked up some things for me. My stash was getting just a little bit low. wink wink

After that we headed to A.C. Moore where I got some more great stuff, mainly jewelry making materials and some yarn of course. I must admit I went a little overboard. But hey, what the heck! I've been a good girl.

I received my 4 balls of Cascade Fixation in the mail the other day, and I have a few skeins on the way from Elann I can't wait. I'm dying to make a pair of comfy sock. Speaking of socks, I also have a new sock loom coming in from Decor Accents, Inc . Did I say I went a little overboard?

Dear hubby just bought a 1978 Chevy Camero that he will be restoring, which will cost some money considering all he wants to do to it. So that being said all yarn restiction (all of which are self imposed) have been lifted. I can yarn shop and knit until my fingers turn blue and fall off. Don't ya just love life.

And on the knitting front, very little. Only a few more rows added to the Mommy Poncho. After finishing two poncho's a week ago I'm bored with the idea of making another one.

B-DAY COUNT DOWN: 12 Days to Go