Today me and the Princess took a trip to
In Stitches Needlework a LYS, to buy gifts for two special people for two swaps I'm participating in. My first swaps, might I add. The yarn store had a special event yesterday to celebrate it's birthday and still had some great buys today. I got some Bebbie Bliss for 50% off and some Noro Kureyon for 33% off. They also had cake, yes, chocolate cake. The best of both worlds. Only an insane person wouldn't want to eat chocolate cake and shop for yarn!!!! I hope my swap pals will be very pleased with their goodie packages. I also picked up some things for me. My stash was getting just a little bit low.
wink wink After that we headed to A.C. Moore where I got some more great stuff, mainly jewelry making materials and some yarn of course. I must admit I went a little overboard. But hey, what the heck! I've been a good girl.
I received my 4 balls of Cascade Fixation in the mail the other day, and I have a few skeins on the way from
Elann I can't wait. I'm dying to make a pair of comfy sock. Speaking of socks, I also have a new sock loom coming in from
Decor Accents, Inc . Did I say I went a little overboard?
Dear hubby just bought a 1978 Chevy Camero that he will be restoring, which will cost some money considering all he wants to do to it. So that being said all yarn restiction (all of which are self imposed) have been lifted. I can yarn shop and knit until my fingers turn blue and fall off. Don't ya just love life.
And on the knitting front, very little. Only a few more rows added to the Mommy Poncho. After finishing two poncho's a week ago I'm bored with the idea of making another one.
B-DAY COUNT DOWN: 12 Days to Go