Looming Looney

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Saturday, September 06, 2008

It's a Jungle Out There!

Due to higher gas prices, and higher food prices, and higher utility prices and higher .... well you get the picture, we didn't go away for a family vacation this year. Instead we decided like so many others to stay close to home. I read on someones blogs a year ago about this safari park and thought it would be an exciting place to visit. Here are some great pictures of our adventure. For $3 you can buy a bucket of feed and feed the animals as you drive through the park. There were lots of animals to see and feed but here are a few of the ones I was able to snap pictures of before my camera batteries died.

I was selective about which animals I would feed, and this sucker was hugh (just look at those humps) so i was not trying to give up the feed for fear he'd eat my hand off. But he was determined and stood in front of the van and would not let us by until we rolled down the window and put the bucket out for him.

Look at me and my chicken self scared the zebra would eat me.

Not quite sure what this thing is!

This little moosey was sniffing my window looking for the feed bucket.

How cute!

But not when they came at you in heards!!

There were camels, bison, lamas, bull elk, ostrich,and even pot belly pigs!

Look at brave-man-o-mine.

He didn't stop at the chance to feed the animals.

Beautiful Zebra's

He looks a little scrabby doesn't he?

Camel family

Just waiting in line to be feed....
He reminds me of an old man.

And finally by babies, standing outside the gift shop.


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